Getting started with your new inbox

See how you can navigate around the inbox section and get everything out of it

Written by ElenaLast update 16 days ago

Are you ready to boost your customers' satisfaction to a new level? We are sure you are. This is why our conversation inbox combines all the features you need for customer support and easy, intuitive navigation around your work area, so you can easily collaborate with your teammates, and reply to online/offline customer queries in-app or via email.

Once you created your new account set up your live chat and wondered where to start, your next move will be to explore the inbox.

Inbox is the default location in your account where all the incoming messages and emails are being received and where all the communication with the customers is being managed.

Your Customerly web-app inbox offers you a variety of features to make sure it feels personalized and where everything works by your rules and your orders. Let's see what tools you have.

🧐 Left inbox overview

The left part of the inbox offers this set of tools:

  • Teams and teammates

  • Scheduled and Mentions messages

  • Search bar

Teams and teammates

Invite teammates to your team and create different teams (channels) to split incoming conversations into teams or channels. You can assign the conversations automatically with the smart assignment rules or manually.
You will see all the created teams, your teammates' inboxes, and your own one on the left sidebar.

Mentions messages

You will find all the conversations you've been tagged in by your teammates.

Scheduled messages

You can see all your scheduled messages in one place. To understand how to schedule a message continue reading this article.

Search bar

Search for the conversations or contacts in the search bar by conversation or users.

🧐 Additional left sidebar overview

The additional sidebar consists of these tools:

  • See the opened and closed conversations

  • Filter conversations by a conversation tag

  • Sort your conversations by date

See the opened and closed conversations
Keeping your inbox clean is very important. This is why you should close your conversations and if you want to see the previously closed conversations, just by clicking on "closed" you will see the full list.
Don't forget to close conversations right from the sidebar.

Filter conversations by a conversation tag
Organize your workflow by filtering conversations by a tag

Sort your conversations by date
If you want to sort your conversations by date, you can do it in your inbox.

🧐 Message area overview

In the message area, you will see:

  • The live chat and email message your customers send you

  • And all the actions made with the conversation

  • Translation

  • Add a message as a canned response

  • Delete or edit a message

  • Resize columns

Live chat and email messages

There are two kinds of messages: live chat message and mail message

If a customer sent an email message, you will see an envelope icon near the date stamp.

Actions made in your inbox

You will see all the actions in the message area when you or your teammates make these actions with a conversation: 

Translate messages of your customers in real-time, no more additional software. We took care of it.

Add a message as a canned response
Add a sent reply to your customer to canned responses. We know you would like to save many of your great responses, and we made it easier for you.

Delete or edit a message
Now you or your team doesn't have to worry if a message was sent to your customer by mistake, or it was misspelt, you can delete it or edit it.
Please note: a message, sent as an email, cannot be edited or deleted, since it delivers to your customer's email inbox.

🧐 Text box area overview

The text box area is the area where you type your message and use the set of tools that helps to enrich the message you want to deliver to the customer. Text box area offers:

  • Attach media and other attachments

  • Attach Help Center article to your message

  • Canned responses

  • Schedule messages

  • Reply states

  • Internal notes with the teammate tag

  • Shortcuts

Attach media and other attachments 
Drag and drop your PDF or PNG file or simply attach it to your message with one click on a button.

Attach Help Center article to your message

If you already have Help Center, you want to share your knowledge with the customers. Now you can search for an article right in the inbox and insert it into the message.

Canned responses

Use your canned responses in full power. You can add your canned response with one short key in a second. Search, add, edit and manage canned responses in a few simple clicks.

Schedule messages
Be in touch with your customers and don't miss out on giving them any important updates with the scheduled messages. You can schedule and (auto)send appointment reminders, meeting reminders to individuals and groups.

Reply states
Do you want to press enter instead of hitting the Reply button every time you want to send a message to your client? Or do you want to click the button every time before sending a message to be safe? Or do you want to close the conversation as soon as the message is sent? We have all the options.

Chatflow statuses

Chatflow statuses in Customerly provide real-time updates on which chatflow was triggered during a conversation. This helps agents track automation flows, understand customer interactions, and ensure smooth transitions between AI and human support.

Internal notes with the teammate tag
Post important internal conversation notes and tag your teammates in them to make sure everyone on the team is updated. Once you tagged a teammate, he/she will receive a notification and will see the internal note in the Mentions section. Communication with your team exactly where your customers are talking to you is so convenient.

You can see the list of all the shortcuts that your account offers to save you time from unnecessary clicking. See this article on how to use shortcuts.

🧐 Header overview

In the header, you will see all the features

  • Conversation tag

  • Assign conversations

  • Video Live Chat

  • Close and reopen a conversation

  • Send conversation transcript

Conversation tags
We offer the default conversation tag states:

  • In progress

  • Waiting

  • Priority

Conversation tags allow you to tag conversations based on their status. For example, if a customer reported a bug, and you escalated it to the developers, it is a top priority, you can tag a conversation with the "priority" tag or rename it to "bugs" and later on you will be able to filter all the conversations by their assigned tags. Very convenient.

Assign conversations 

You can assign conversations to your teammates or other teams (channels). Search for them in a search bar to assign faster.

Video Live Chat

Connect to your audience on a different level by clicking on the call button to call tour customers. They will appreciate the extra mile service and a personalized experience.

Close and reopen conversations
Keep your workspace clean with the closing feature to mark your conversation as done and reopen it any time you'd like.


Snoozing in Customerly allows you to temporarily pause a conversation, setting it to reopen at a later time. This helps teams manage follow-ups efficiently without losing track of pending issues.

Send conversation transcripts

If a customer requests a message transcript, it can be sent to his email address, or you can send it to yourself.

🧐 Right sidebar overview

On the right side, you will see all the user/lead details:

  • Rating

  • User information

  • Conversations history

  • Tags

  • Conversation properties

  • Company and contact properties

  • Contact notes

  • Events

  • Lists

  • Aura Companion

Rate your customers to better understand your audience and structure your work.

User information

Thanks to the connection with your CRM, you will get to know immediately your customers to provide faster and more accurate support. Besides seeing all the important user information, you can block, unsubscribe and delete your user.

Conversations history
Check for the conversation history in your inbox and reopen any conversation right from the sidebar.

Add tags to your customers. A tag is perfect to quickly add a piece of information to your customers.

Conversation properties

Conversation properties in Customerly store specific details about a chat session, providing context to interactions. These properties cannot be manually modified but can be updated dynamically via JavaScript or through automated chatflows with Aura.

Contact and Company properties

A property is a data point related to any of your contacts. It can be a String, Date, Number, or Boolean. Company property is a data point related to any of your company’s contact. It can be a String, Date, Number, or Boolean.

Contact notes
Add information about your contact in the contact notes to make sure the significant information about your customer doesn't get lost.

Events and Lists
An Event is an action triggered on your platform that you want to track and count. Also, see which lists your contacts are in. All the information you receive about your users in Customerly is tracked and shown to you in the inbox section to be quickly accessible and allows you to in the future filter on the audience by including or excluding any existing contact list, tags, company, user properties, so you can be sure 100% that your target audience is perfect.

Aura Companion
Aura Companion is an AI-powered assistant in Customerly that stays available on the right side of the inbox. It helps agents by providing additional answers, summarizing conversations, and offering real-time support insights, making customer interactions more efficient and informed.

Organize your contact details in the inbox

You can reorder rating, user information, conversations history, tags, company, and user properties, contact notes, events, lists in your inbox right sidebar by holding and dragging the sections. If you don't need some sections, simply uncheck them.

Do you want to learn more about other features your accounts offer? Contact us and we will be happy to show you around.

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