Organize your contact details in the inbox

In this article, you will learn how to reorder a lead or user details in your inbox

Written by ElenaLast update 3 years ago

Your inbox gives the freedom to reorder your contact details in the most suitable and convenient order for you to provide superb customer support. You can reorder rating, user information, conversations history, tags, company, and user properties, contact notes, events, lists in your inbox.

How do I reorder my lead and user information?

  • Click on two columns icon near a tab you want to reorder and hold it. In our case, we are moving 'User rating". If you don't need some sections, simply uncheck them.

  • Drag it to the top or bottom and drop it where you want your tab to be placed. We moved 'User rating' under 'User info'.

  • You will see the tab you moved also relocated in the right sidebar

  • If you want to hide a menu on the sidebar, you can minimize it with the arrow icon as shown on the screenshot.

This is how you can reorder your contact details.

Do you want to learn more about your inbox? Check out this article.

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