Conversation history in your inbox
In this article, we talk about the conversation history and where to find it
Conversations are very valuable to every business and there are many times when you need to refer to an old chat conversation per your customer's request, send them a chat transcript of an old chat or you need to recall older information.
How to find an old chat in the chat history?
Go to your inbox
Scroll down the right sidebar, and you will see the 'Conversations' menu
If you have more than 5 chats with the customer, you will see the first 5 chat conversations on the list, to see more, click 'Show more'.

Click on any conversation you want to check and this conversation will open

You can reopen the old conversation by hovering the mouse over it and clicking on the arrow button

This is it, now you know how to find the conversation history. If you want to learn how to reopen the old conversations, check this article.
If you have any questions and suggestions, don't forget to contact us.
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