How to check your Customerly Ping

A tutorial to understand what's not working correctly with the Customerly ping

Written by ElenaLast update 1 year ago

If your customers are facing issues with the Customerly Messenger authentication, probably there is some misconfiguration.

In this article we'll discover how to identify where the issue is coming from.

We'll check the Customerly Ping Network call to understand if the data passed to Customerly are correct and as expected.

First of all, Right click on the page where the customer see the live chat or the chat is missing.

Then Click on "Inspect".

When you see the Console, Select Network from the tabs.

Now select Fetch/XHR.

Refresh now the page and if you can't find the ping in the list below, use Filter and type "ping".

When you found the ping:

  1. Select it

  2. Click on Payload

  3. Open params

  4. Take a screenshot

  5. Share the screenshot as the one below.

If the Ping params are not containing the expected user params, check your integration and be sure you are passing the right parameters.

If the Response is Unauthorised this is probably because of this.

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