Understand the feedback from your customers with NPS

This article is about how to read the feedback from your customers you receive from the Net Promoter Score survey

Written by ElenaLast update 2 years ago

Understanding the feedback your customers leave after you created and send out your NPS survey is crucial since it will help you to get a bigger picture of how likely your customers are willing to recommend your service to their friends and colleagues.

Where do I find the NPS Responses?

Do the following:

  • Go to the Feedback section on the left sidebar and click on Responses under the Net Promoter Score menu. Here is what the Responses page looks like.

How do I read the NPS Responses?

  • You can filter your feedback based on date range

  • Level of happiness

  • With or without text feedback.

  • And below you will see all the data you filter based on date range, level of happiness or even with or without text feedback. For example, you can see that John Smith received the NPS on this date - Nov 22, 20221 at 6:30 AM and voted on this date - Nov 22, 2021 at 9:05 AM.

Can I download the votes?

  • Click on "Download votes"

  • You will receive this message "Download process might take up to two hours. Once you initialize the process, our system will start the download and prepare the document for you. Upon completion, our system will send an email to your inbox with the generated export."

  • Click on "I understand, download now".

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