A complete guide about conversation properties
Conversation properties in Customerly help you collect, store, and manage essential customer information during interactions. Learn how to set up, customize, and utilize conversation properties to streamline your support process and improve customer interactions.
Conversation properties in Customerly are essential for tracking and managing customer interactions effectively. These properties store key details about a conversation, helping support teams and automation tools make informed decisions.
Key Features of Conversation Properties
Automatically Managed
Unlike contact or company properties, conversation properties content cannot be updated manually.
Only Aura (Customerly’s AI assistant) can modify them through Chatflows with AI Missions.
Provide Context to Conversations
These properties store structured data related to a chat session.
Example: Tracking the reason for contact, issue status, or assigned department
How Conversation Properties Work in Customerly
Aura Updates Them via Chatflows
When a user interacts with a Chatflow, Aura updates the conversation properties based on predefined rules.
This ensures that data remains structured and relevant to the chat context.
They Cannot Be Modified Manually
Unlike contact properties, which can be updated using JavaScript, conversation properties are read-only for users and agents.
Let's discover together which property types you can track and how to better handle them.
Properties types
There are four types of properties data you can track:
Any strings with a max length of 128 chars
[eg. "Dublin", "Professional"]
Any Integer, Float numbers are accepted values
[eg. 1, 3.14, 10000, -10203]
true/false, 0/1 are the only accepted values
[eg. true]
UNIX Timestamp format only in seconds
[eg. 1644933485 for 2022-02-15T13:58:05.000Z]
Important things to know
Property names cannot have any spaces or special symbols you can only use
All characters from A to Z, uppercase o lowercase
All numbers from 0 to 9
_ and -
You can start a property name with a number (eg. 2type, 1attempt)
You cannot use any reserved name by any default property
The properties names are difficult to read and for this reason, you will find a human-readable name in the App for example last_page_viewed_at becomes the Last page viewed at
If the property does not exist on your Customerly project and you send it for the first time on a contact we'll set the value for that contact and for all the remaining contacts will be not set.
If the property value exists on the customer and you send us a new value, we will override it with the new one.
Using Properties in Chat Messages
You can include properties directly in your chat messages by using curly braces ({{ }}
) syntax. When typing a message, Customerly will provide a selector to choose from available properties. Here’s how you can use each type:
Conversation Properties
To include conversation properties:
Your conversation ID is {{ conversation._id }}.
This will be resolved to:
Your conversation ID is 123456.
Default Conversation Properties
To include the Customerly conversation URL:
{{ conversation._url }}
To include an HTML transcript of the conversation:
{{ conversation._transcript }}
To include the Customerly conversation ID:
{{ conversation._id }}
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