Block, unsubscribe or delete a contact
This article is all about how to block, unsubscribe from newsletters or delete your contact
Your personal inbox has the tools to block, unsubscribe or delete a contact.
What will happen if I block my contact?
If you block your contact, it will not be able to send you messages in the live chat and interact with your service. It works very well for spamming emails that send spam messages/emails to your inbox.
What will happen if I unsubscribe my contact?
The 'unsubscribe' button is very necessary to have in the inbox. As required by law, if a user or a lead asks you to unsubscribe them from your newsletters, you must do so.
What will happen if I deleted my contact?
If you delete your contact, it will erase all the data about your user or a lead, their account with all the information and conversation history will be deleted. This action is irreversible.
How do I block, unsubscribe and or delete my contact?
Go to your inbox
On the right sidebar, you will see the three dots icon, click on it
If you want to block a contact, click on the block icon

If you want to unblock your contact, click on the arrow icon to unblock

If you want to unsubscribe a contact, click on the crossed bell icon

If you want to resubscribe, click on the bell icon

If you want to delete a contact, click on the trash icon. The contact will be deleted.
The delete action is irreversible and all the contact's information, account, and chat history will be deleted.

And this is how easy it is to block, unsubscribe or delete a contact.
Discover more:
Do you want to learn more about your inbox section? Visit this article.
Learn how to identify if your contact is unsubscribed or blocked.
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