Add your Help Center article to a message in a few seconds

Learn how to improve your customer service with providing your articles in the message in a few clicks

Written by ElenaLast update 2 years ago

If you already created Help Center and wondering what would be the best way to provide documentation to your customers in the fastest way possible, we created a perfect tool for you to add Help Center articles to your messages with a few clicks.

How do I add the Help Center article to my message?

  • Go to your inbox

  • In the message area, you will see the book icon

  • Click on the book icon

  • Type in the name of the article or collection in the search field to search for it faster

  • Or manually select an article

  • Click on the article and it will appear in the message field. Don't forget to add a personalized message together with the article link.

  • Hit the 'Send' button to send the message

And this is how you can send Help Center articles to your customers via live chat in a very short amount of time.

Do you have any questions? Send us a message and we will be happy to talk to you.

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