Integrate Help Center into your Live Chat
Add your Help Center to the Live Chat to improve your customer satisfaction.

Help Center is one of the key features to your customer success as well as the live chat integrated on your website or an app. Combining the live chat and the Help Center will give astonishing results. Your customers will be able to search for your Help Center articles right in the live chat.

Here you can find a quick tutorial on how to add your knowledge base to your live chat:
How do I integrate my Help Center into the live chat?
For to the Help Center on the left sidebar and click on "Messenger".
To show the Help Center in the live chat, switch the toggle to the right.
Save the settings.
Discover more:
Learn how to integrate the live chat to your website with JavaScript or how to integrate with mobile SDK.
The AI-powered automated Help Center articles in your live chat. Sounds interesting? Check this article.
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