How to set up Help Center DNS for custom subdomain with Cloudflare

If you are using Cloudflare to set up your help center you will need to follow this guide to be sure everything work smoothly

Luca Micheli
Written by Luca MicheliLast update 10 months ago

If you are ready to verify your Help Center custom domain with Cloudflare, here is what you need to do:

  • First, you need to go to settings and set up your custom domain there. Check this article on how to do it.

  • Then, once you set up your custom Help Center domain (for example ), click on "Save settings" button. You will see the yellow message under custom domain: "We are deploying your SSL certificate, hang on, it will take around 20 minutes".

  • After setting up settings in Customerly, go to the Cloudflare account and follow their documentation here to set up a CNAME DNS record for the chosen subdomain.

  • Disable the Proxied and use DNS only.

WARNING: You have to disable their proxy and use DNS only otherwise your help center will not work. To disable the proxy, read the Cloudflare documentation here.

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