Sort contact information

Show and hide the most important information about your customers within the contact table

Written by ElenaLast update 2 years ago

Your contacts page is capable of many great things such as exporting contact lists, searching for a contact or a company, now we will talk about how to sort contact information on the contacts page.

What is the contact information?

The contact information is the data you collect about your leads and users such as their names, phone numbers, last activity, contact id.

Which information can I sort?

You can sort any information you collect about your contacts. Check this article on how to track contact information.

How do I sort the contact information?

  • Go to the Contacts page. You will see a certain order of information you have on the page, for example, you see Name first, Email, Contact ID, then Type, and so on.

  • To change this order of information, do next:

    • Click on the book icon to start sorting the information

    • You will see the list of all the categorized data

    • Click on the icon, drag it and drop it where you want it to be placed

      The information will be moved. For example, in our case, it's contact "Type" and now it's displayed after "Name"

    • If you don't want some data to appear on the contact page, you can remove it by unchecking the box, as an example, we unchecked the OS (operating system) and it doesn't show up on the page anymore

Discover more:

  • There are different ways to track and collect your contact information, this article explains it all.

  • If you want to delete contacts in a bulk right from the contacts page, check this tutorial.

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