How to assign chat messages based on user's data
If you want to assign a conversation based on the user data, you can use the Smart Assignment Rules

The new incoming chat messages can be assigned automatically to a team or a teammate. Assigning messages with Smart rules automates the routing work you do manually.
How do the smart assignment rules work?
For example, a customer writes you in the live chat and asks for the invoice, since a smart rule has been set up, this new incoming message will be assigned automatically to the "Accounting" team or the teammates responsible for the invoices. Do you want to know how to create a team? Read the article about how to create teams in your inbox.
How do I assign chat messages based on the user's data?
Go to the Project Settings on the left sidebar and click on "Smart rules" under the "Inbox" section.
Remember: all the new incoming messages are assigned to the "Customer support" team in your inbox automatically. To change this behavior, read this article.
If you want to add additionally assign to other teams and teammates, click on "Add smart rules" Under "Additional rules".
Once the event occurs, the "Start new conversation" event will be triggered.
Select the audience of the smart rule: All users, All leads, or All contacts.
Then add your property or a message type to the filter. Let's see how both work and you choose what works the best for you:
What if I use a property?
For example, we want the contacts who write in the live chat with the Job position "Customer support manager" to be assigned to the "Customer support" team.
We selected "All contacts" where the property is "Job title" is "Customer support manager". Read this article on how to filter your contacts.
Gave the internal name to the rule: "All contacts who are managers in customer support".
And assign all matching conversations to the correct team or teammate. In our case, it's the "Customer support" team.
Save changes.
What if I use a message type of the filter?
For example, we want the leads that write us a message via live chat with the message containing the word "pricing" to be assigned to the "Sales" team.
So, we selected "All leads" where "content" is "pricing".
Note: if you click on the "message content" you will see "Content" and "Subject" in the drop-down menu.
The content is the content of a message or an email forwarded to your inbox. Whereas the subject is the subject of an email forwarded to your inbox. To learn how to forward support emails to the inbox, check this article.
Then we gave the internal mane to the rule: "All leads that are interested in pricing".
And assign all matching conversations to the correct team or teammate. In our case, it's the "Sales team".
Save changes.
The rules set up on the page have priorities. The higher the rule is, it has more priority. To change the order of rules, click on the sort button and drag and drop your rule where needed.

Discover more:
If you want to collect your leads' information before they send you a message in the live chat and then assign their message to a correct team with the smart rules based on the information you collected, e.g. the job title, this informative article is exactly for you.
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